Friday, 9 March 2012

I might be on the telly!

...well I probably won't be, but when we were at Ardingly antiques market on wednesday they were filming Bargain Hunt and there may well be a shot of me walking past (looking rather wet, but still very handsome...and modest!).

We all got sooo wet. When we arrived it was just spitting a bit, but then the heavens opened. We are hardened to the rain so had a good look around.

I met a horse just standing there in the middle of all the stalls, but when I barked at it and sniffed it and there was no response. People were laughing at me as apparently it was a model, but you can never be too sure.

L had some birthday money to spend and bought a wooden trug and planted some hyacinths in it. Below are some photos of it. I have prodded all the plants to check them all out and I am pleased to be able to report they have passed my checks.

I have been poorly sick

It was susch a good idea at the time...I was at work with C and having a mooch around the back of one of the buildings when I spied a container that had some cooking fat in it. It smelt pretty good to me so I ate as much as I could before C stopped me. All was ok for a little while, but on the way home in the car a gurgling started in my tummy and then it all came up! C pulled into a petrol station and sat me on the back seat of the car while she cleared up the mess in my crate and I managed to not be sick the rest of the journey home.

This is how I felt afterwards... the early hours of the morning up came the rest! I decided not to wake L & C and waited until they got up to walk me in the morning to show them how sorry for myself I was feeling. So at 6am L cleaned out my crate and changed my vetbed. Apparently there were leaves in it as well....well it all tasted tasty at the time! By the time we got back from my walk I was starving, but only allowed a small breakfast, not fair at all!

After a morning snooze I was feeling back to my normal self and L & C seemed to have forgiven me!

I must not chase the swans...

Last Sunday I thought I would get L & C up very early. They were grumbling a bit as it was raining, but they took me down to the lagoon which is one of my favourite places. We walked around it a couple of times and then I saw them....three swans sitting on the grass. I played it cool and wandered over and then at the last minute I made a dash for it and chased one of them. L & C were really annoyed with me, but it was only a game honest, I wouldn't have hurt it.

After we had all been back to bed for a morning snooze we went to a garden centre and I was caught short and had a little wee up some flower pots. Again L wasn't very happy with me. Luckily no one else saw.

It was still raining in the afternoon so we went to the Railway for a walk. I saw Marco's owner and her friend and ran over to see then as I could smell she had treats. I jumped up and grabbed the glove out of her hand and it didn't taste good so I dropped it on the floor and carried on pestering her for a treat which I got. I then spied the glove and thought it did look tasty after all and put one paw on it and then put the rest of it in my mouth and pulled. At this point L & C were running over and shouting at me. They rescued the glove (now with a new hole in it) and apologised to the lady who said it was fine...she said something about she has dogs and knows what they are like.... I was getting big scowls from L & C at this point so thought I had better behave myself for the rest of the walk....and the rest of the day.