Monday, 19 May 2014

The pillow exploded all on it's own, honest!

I forgot to tell you what happened when I visited J and L down in Hampshire recently. 

Well firstly my nose drew me to the garage where I was found licking the blade of the electric saw.  Apparently it had been used to cut up a bone for Tara so it was very tasty.  Not sure why everyone was worrying so much though!

Secondly, I had a little wander upstairs and managed to get myself shut in the little bedroom.  After waiting a while to get rescued I thought I would pass the time by having a pillow fight with myself. 

The result was Ollie: 1, Pillow: 0

Not sure I am going to be invited back in the near future.

Happy 5th birthday to me!

I know it is hard to believe, but I am 5!!  Time certainly flies when you are having fun at the seaside. 

It was my birthday yesterday and I met my sister Tilly, buddy Bubbles and new friend Dexter for a doodle meet.  It was hot and sunny, but there were still plenty of muddy puddles around and of course the lake for a quick dip.

L forgot to take lots of photos, but got one of me, Tilly and Bubbles plotting some mischief together.  Check out our mud socks!

After a snooze when I got home I was given my presents - a new bandana (which isn't going to stay that clean for long), some lovely foodie items and a lip-smacking cake (I demolished it in about 10 seconds flat).  Happy days!