I have had a lump in my mouth for a little while now and L & C decided it was time for it to be removed and for me to also have a bit of a teeth clean. They didn't tell me this beforehand so I happily trotted into the vets a few weeks ago and the next thing I know I am coming round and feeling very spaced out.
C picked me up and I managed to jump into the car, but when we got home she had to lift me out. I spent the rest of the evening having vivid dreams while snoozing on the sofa.
Space cadet |
Then it all went wrong - I got gastroenteritis again! Not fun at all, so back to the vets we went and they jabbed me to stop me being sick and gave C more drugs to give to me.
I was feeling rotten and no morsel of delicious food would pass my lips for nearly three days - I think L and C were starting to get worried!
Then after releasing some gas, which was obviously causing a blockage, I was suddenly hungry. I had a little bread that evening and then the next morning scoffed the chicken and rice that was given to me.
As I was feeling better I thought it was high time I started licking my leg where they had shaved it for the iv drip. It was starting to itch where the hair was growing back so I was happily licking away. L tried to stop me by putting various bandages on my leg, but I wasn't scuppered at all and ripped them all off so I could carry on licking.
First bandage |
Third bandage and unrepentant |
The following day I was left home alone and when C came home at lunchtime I surprised her by being in the hall waiting for her....Houdini doodle strikes again! I had managed to get the baby gate in the kitchen open and unfortunately I was caught short in the living room and left two 'presents' on the cream carpet (when you gotta go, you gotta go). I had also got a little peckish on my adventure and found four packets of cat food on the stairs so I ripped them open and ate the lot and then upstairs I found another three packets - brilliant!
Anyway Caroline ushered me into the kitchen and put me in the 'cone of shame' to stop me licking my leg.
Cone of shame |
After a diet of chicken and rice and all sorts of drugs including feeling spacey on tramadol, I was eventually better and my mouth was healing well. But I couldn't stop my licking my leg, so I have only just stopped wearing the cone...nearly 6 weeks after my op!
I think I had better keep out of trouble for a bit....