I had a woof-tastic Christmas with lots of lovely walks along the beach near Grandma S and Grandpa D's house. For Christmas Grandma S knitted me the best jumper ever! How cool do I look? (It is a little bit snug across my chest, but that just makes me look very manly!)
Not sure why they thought a skull and cross bones would be fitting?!
More presents - check out my brilliant Adnams water bowl
We also had a bit of a comedy Christmas day. Firstly, Grandma S was making a trifle and didn’t have a whisk to whip the cream with so the next thing I know Grandpa D appears from the garage with a teaspoon stuck into the end of his electric drill! Needless to say it didn't work and cream went everywhere! Grandpa D then says ‘I wonder if a fork would work?’, but he didn't try and a good old spatula did the job, phew!
Then secondly, L's cousin usually gets her something foody for Christmas and she get's the same for him. So Aunt L bought the presents with her and L & C got some chocolates and Aunt Z had a tin of M&S biscuits. Later Aunt Z fancied a biscuit and opened the tin to find it full of...wait for it....bulldog clips!!!!
Aunt Z and L looked at each other and then burst into hysterics and couldn’t stop. I didn't know what was going on!! Aunt Z is 9 months pregnant if that didn’t bring the baby on then nothing would! Basically, either L's cousin or his girlfriend had wrapped them up by accident!
I got a little bit dirty down the beach...
It was a brilliant day and I finally surrendered to a nap
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