Tuesday 28 May 2013

Birthday Doodle Bundle!!!!!

I had a wooftastic doodle birthday meet.

There were eleven doodles in total: Me, Finn (my brother), Moose, Archie, Molly, Jago (Goldendoodle), Harper, Dexter, Harvey, Teddy and Ben (Beagle/Poodle cross - not sure of the name for this one...a 'Poogle' maybe?) 

It was a hot and sunny day, but there were still plenty of puddles to run through, dive into and if you are Archie lie down in!

There were also tons of picnics and BBQs so I was sniffing the air like crazy, but I didn't get to join in with any of them as L & C put me on the lead well before we got back to the car park, darn it.

Here are some photos.....(some of the doodles looked very similar so I might have got some of the names wrong):

Moose and Jago

Me, Harper, Molly and Moose
Me and my old buddy Archie
Ben the Poogle
Me, Moose and Archie
Molly and Archie

Moose, Finn, Archie and me
Nothing like a birthday splash to cool down

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